Printable Checklist

Download this checklist to see all aspects of hosting a concert on one printable page.

Ideas for promoting a concert at your parish: 

  1. Speaker Approval - Some diocese require approval before promotion can begin. If you require a letter of good standing or proof of safe environment training, please let us know ASAP.  My pastor, Fr. Peter Harmon regularly writes these and one can be requested by contacting his secretary, Karie Sudkamp (  The phone number for my home parish (St. Anthony of Padua in Effingham, IL) is 217.347.7129.

  2. School Concerts - If you have a Catholic school, Michael can perform for the school during the same day  as the concert (or Monday following) as long as the two concerts are done in the same location and require just one set up. We typically recommend a donation of $2 per student. 

  3. Personal Invitation at Masses -  We have seen a significant increase in attendance in parishes where Michael gives a personal invitation at the weekend Masses. If your concert is scheduled on a weekend, then Michael can play a communion meditation at each Mass and personally invite the congregation to the concert (this is brief, under 60 seconds). It is helpful for our ministry if we can also be allowed to sell our CDs and other merchandise after these Masses. This takes a little communication with Father and the music minister but is well worth it. If your parish would like Michael to provide all the music for the liturgies, he is available to do so.

  4. Print Promotion - Use use the website Canva to publish templates of our promo material. You can click “use template” and it will allow you to customize the materials with the proper date, time, and location. You may be asked to create a free account to save your work.

    • Parish Bulletin Announcement - Please start announcing in the bulletin 4 weeks prior to event. Include a graphic possible. Here is sample wording:

      Join us on (date) (time) for a concert featuring Michael James Mette.  Michael has over 20 years of experience in music ministry. He has performed over 700 concerts and traveled to 44 states. Michael combines his soothing voice and multi-instrumental performance for an evening of powerful music, faith sharing, and an invitation to prayer. Bring a friend! You won’t want to miss this unique event. The cost of the concert is a free-will donation.

    • Posters - Please hang posters near the church entrance for 4 weeks prior to concert.

    • Flyers - We have designed a black and white flyer that is easy to print in-house. We encourage you to use them at the ends of the pew as a hand-out, insert them into your parish bulletin, or send with home in school students’ backpacks.

  5. Social Media - Consider using various social media (Facebook, Twitter, Flocknotes, School groups, etc...) to make an event and spread the word! 

  6. Collaborate - Personally invite the leaders of other church groups (Men's Prayer Group, Mom's Group, Youth Ministry, Religious Education, Music Ministry, etc).  Are they willing to sponsor a portion of the concert by providing food or a service? If a small group comes and sets up chairs, that means that they will be attending and talking about the event.

  7. Radio - Almost every radio station has a community calendar that will announce the time and location of any local event. 

  8. Think outside of the church - Do you have a good relationship with other churches in the area? Can you announce in their bulletins? Do ministries ever collaborate together? Ask the leaders to commit to bringing a group of people.

Square Image

Use this image in your bulletin, on Instagram, or anywhere a square image is needed. You can customize using Canva to update date and time.

Poster Adoration Concert

This is designed to print in full color on 18x24. You can customize using Canva to update date, time, and location.

8.5 x 11 Flyer

This Black and White, full page flyer can easily be printed in-house. Use the link below to view template in Canva, where you can customize the date, time, and location.


This 4 per page version of the flyer can be printed on standard copy paper and then cut into 4 smaller flyers. Use the link below to view template in Canva, where you can customize the date, time, and location.

Michael James Mette Photo

MJM One-Sheet

This is a great page to take to the Priest, Pastoral Council, or anyone who needs to approve the event.