Faithful Friends are a Sturdy Shelter...

After our time at the beach house, we went back to the Orlando area for a week in January. The weekends were spent at parishes, playing concerts, Masses, meeting great people, and eating fabulous foods. The weekdays, we settled in at our membership campground and tried to keep caught up on schoolwork, e-mails, blogging, etc. We had some concerts in the Jacksonville and Gainsville area, too. 

Around that time, our friends back home were reading our blog about Disney and asking how we did not plan better. They would be at Disney that coming week with their 4 kids! They had been asking us for the past year to go with them. We quickly made reservations at the Thousand Trails Orlando again and met up with them for a lazy day at their resort. It was so great to see our good friends from home and enjoy their company in a beautiful atmosphere! The kids got to play and swim and hang out, too! As we concluded the day, they pointed out that this visit would be the highlight of their trip. It's easy to get into our routines and take friendships for granted. Here was a welcome reminder that a visit with a good friend can rank right up there with a trip to Disney World!