Confined spaces
The first Nuclear Submarine, the Nautilus.
“My favorite part was the actual submarine” the kids agreed unanimously.
MJMJ added, “I liked how they played the music.” referring the the introduction of the audio tour of the sub.
“I like watching The Hunt for Red October at the end.” Michael said. He is always trying to get the kids to watch more adventurous movies.
While in Connecticut, we got to visit Groton submarine base. The Submarine Force Library and Museum there had a lot of great submarine history and some hands-on exhibits. Obviously, the highlight was a self-guided tour of the USS Nautilus, including a full audio description. The USS Nautilus was the first nuclear submarine and the first sub to complete a submerged transit under the North Pole. You may also want to note that since they had to live in enclosed quarters, they had ice cream at every meal.
This is the second submarine that we have had the opportunity to tour. In Baltimore, we visited the USS Tursk, which was an older, smaller, diesel/electric powered sub.
Although walking through a submarine is interesting, I don’t think that the kids will be signing up for the navy anytime soon.